Twitch streamer explains why the MMORPG Lost Ark soon could replace New World

The MMORPG expert and Twitch Streamer Mongol has dealt with the problems of the current MmoPrgSnew World and why he believes that 2022 could pull by the MMORPG Lost Ark on the game of Amazon.

That's the situation :

For years, Wow was the dominant MMORPG on Twitch — hardly any other MMORPG played a role on the streaming platform. This changed 2021 but with the rise of Final Fantasy XIV, the great problems with Blizzard and the emergence of new MMORPGs like New World. Especially for the release in October 2021, New World was a strong game on Twitch, but then lost rapidly. The largest MMORPG streamer on Twitch, Mongol, now explains the problems of New World and why he is looking forward to Lost Ark.

New World is boring and repeating

These are the problems of New World, according to Mongol: In an interview with the Desert side, the Streamer criticizes many aspects of New World as time-consuming:

The game is just boring, and it's all repeats — it's easy. There are a lot of features in New World, which are so designed that you waste your time. It takes forever to farm something in the game. If you die, the equipment loses durability. These are just things that should extend the time you stay in the game. And there are certainly people who find it boring to always make the same.


Mongol criticizes the high time, New World requires:

You must kill brainless NPCs for hundreds of hours to find an upgrade Crafting must be 2,000 times a little

Why Lost Ark will beat New World The time to come from A to B is in New World pure downtime

Because of all this thing, New World has already lost a lot of players.

That's why he looks forward to Lost Ark: In the new MMORPG Lost Ark Mongol sees a lot of potential:

Lost Ark has a success story in South Korea behind and in Russia. If you look at how the game has developed, that's just positive, something is really seldom in MMORPGs, just nowadays.

Mongol believes that Lost Ark as iso-MMORPG will scare many people, but when people overcome this aversion, and fallen to the endgame elements of Lost Ark, the MMORPG would have a real chance.

As a danger, he sees that Lost Ark can become a pay2win game in the West:

If the game offers stuff in some form, for which one has to pay multiple money to get an advantage in the game, then it probably does not last.


Lost Ark Booms in South Korea the last time

Is Lost Ark in Korea really so successful? Yes, actually. Lost Ark is, as Mongol says one of the few MMORPGs, which experiences a strong further development after the launch.

Just 2021 enjoyed Lost Ark in South Korea again a big boost. It depends on under others that the extremely popular but ancient MMORPG Maple Story has fallen after a scandal in March 2021 in the favor of the South Korean player. Many are apparently changed to Lost Ark, after pointing out certain mechanics in Maple Story did not work as well as thought. This was felt by some players as a fraud.

But Lost Ark seems out in South Korea, too, to become more and stronger. According to a report of the Polish page MMORPG.ORG.PL, the number of players of the new users in the last few weeks would have quilted. Now you need even queues in the game.

The announcement of the nine continent Owen with great Reich-Reich battles and January 2022 should also come a new class Painter, which uses brushes and sign paper to fight.

From Lost Ark it is said to be planning to constantly publish new content:

The latest class in Lost Ark is a little girl with a huge brush


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