Lost Ark in the test: So good can be a Free2play MMORPG

I have been waiting for eight years on SmileGates MMORPG Lost Ark. Over time, I have followed the progress of the title and experienced how he became a true fan darling from a below-average MMO. A similar situation also went through the most popular Final Fantasy 14. So, of course, I was very looking forward to the publication of Lost Ark here with us in the West. I definitely have to say: Smilegate did not disappoint me.

Lost Ark | REVIEW | So gut kann ein kostenloses MMORPG sein

Of course, Lost Ark is not perfect, but the version for the Western market is at least almost as good as Lost Ark can be at all. But let's start at the very beginning: In Lost Ark we play a hero chosen from the fate, which must hold the upcoming invasion of the demons. This succeeds in collecting the naming arcicles, as only these have the necessary power to distribute demons. So we make ourselves in the great wide world, explore different areas, meet new characters, experience spectacular events and collect incidentally even the lost arquicles.

Update: Our test to Lost Ark is now available in the video review! You can either look at this directly in the article or on our YouTube channel. In addition, we explain in a separate contribution, which has the censorship for the Western Martk.

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Table of Contents

  1. Page 1NT ARK in the test: So good can be a Free2Play MMORPG - Page 1
    1. 1st on the search for the ark
    2. 1.2 graphic heights
    3. 1.3The agony of the class choice
    4. 1.4hr's a few talents?
    5. 1.5The pretty unpretentious gameplay loop
  2. Page 2LT ark in the test: so good can be a free2play mmorpg - page 2

    1. 2.1 contents nor and NO
    2. 2.2in ship to kid her
    3. 2.3The own island paradise
    4. 2.4The well-known crafting
    5. 2.5A dream for PVP players
    6. 2.6Free 2 PLAY PAY 2 WIN?
    7. 2.7 A promising future 3rd page 3 picture gallery for "Lost Ark in the test: So good can be a Free2Play MMORPG -...
  3. Open

Looking for the ark

The plot of Lost Ark is most nice for the most part. Here we do not expect epic history, which extends over an entire decade, as in Final Fantasy 14, but at least it is appealing enough to get boring. In the course of the plot, for example, we storm a fortress to plunge a tyrannical regent, and keep an army of demons with the support of our allies.

Of course, we are the only reason in every situation, why undertaking succeeds, but with such a story that is of course to be expected. Finally, we are the legendary hero, which, however, get pressed by each NPC tasks. Of course, a MMORPG like Lost Ark must have a few quests, but this creates a kind of narrative dissonance, which certainly does not like any player.

In contrast to playing like The Witcher 3 and also Final Fantasy 14 you do not establish any connection with your own character in Lost Ark. One is the dumb, almost infallible protagonist of this world, which comes from every situation of Glim tu. However, this type of narrative does Lost Ark actually benefit because the title is based on playing players playing several characters. Be it to try out the different, pretty fun classes, or to generate more gold or materials.

Graphical heights

In class design and the general gameplay Lost Arks are true strengths. Unlike many other MMOs, Lost Ark uses an isometric perspective on how to know them from classic action RPGs like Diablo and Path of Exile. So you move with mouse and the camera is for the most part. This has the advantage that we get some breathtakingly pretty zones, which exploit the isometric perspective complete.

Lost Ark is a pretty pretty game, which comes through the support of DirectX 11 directly to the release only more to the advantage. Especially the later areas look beautiful, what explore Arkesias only fun. The whole thing is also underpinned by a magnificent soundtrack, which gives the right mood at all times. The island of Punika is probably one of the prettiest areas in Lost Ark. Source: PC Games, too, I rarely had so much fun with an action RPG, as it is the case with Lost Ark. The different skills are beautifully animated, there are some quite complex systems, and I have not found a class yet, with which I bored. Even if Lost Ark were no MMORPG, I would probably spend a lot of time in the world of Arkesia, and with all things that make up a MMO so, the gaming experience becomes even better.

The agony of the class choice

For publication, we get access to a total of 15 different sub-classes, spread over warriors, martial artist, canonal, magician, and Assassinin. Some more classes have already been published in the Korea and Russia regions, here in the West we have to wait for things like Reaper but still a little. Incidentally, the different classes are gender-specific in Lost Ark.

For example, a berserk can only be male, a bardin only female. However, this system does not make sense, but our characters have no right personality. This has probably noticed the developers at Smilegate, which is why they are currently working to publish a version of another sex for each class.

For the release, for example, there are the male deaths and the female artistic fist. These differ GamePlay-Technically a little bit of each other, but embody the same basic concept: a revolver hero with access to pistols, a sniper rifle, and a shotgun. With so much choice, the class choice is not easy. Source: PC Games Each class in Lost Ark has a variety of abilities, of which eight pieces can be placed on the action bar at the same time. In addition, with Level 50, you can still access an ultimate ability, and most classes also have an identity bar. For example, the deathblade can fill a total of three ORBS through their attacks, which provide them with enabled attack pace and access to a kind of finisher-Move.

The shadow hunter, on the other hand, can turn into a demons, making their abilities a little. Every single class differs significantly from the others and all are all really fun. If you could only play a female sniper... well, that means to wait.

Are there a few talents?

In this menu we can customize our skills to our taste. Source: PC Games While we lie comfortably on level 50, we get a pair of talent points per step climb. With these we can strengthen our individual skills and provide you with additional properties by the so-called Tripod system. Among other things, the element of an attack can change, the damage is significantly increased, or passing other exciting things.

For example, the sniper with a capability suddenly becomes invisible, or a frontal attack becomes a full-handling. We can also save various presets in the game, so we can quickly switch from an AOE to a Singletarget Build.

The second system, which changes our waywise, are the so-called engravings. These give us passive bonuses such as increased suffered and shared damage, or a bonus on our mana regeneration. Then there are a few class-specific engravings. Thus, the combat monk receives an additional elementary ball, or the artists loses access to their shotguns to increase the damage of their two remaining weapons. The engravings can change our play style seriously. Source: PC Games The engravings represent one of the most important endgame aspects of the game as they are activated by various equipment.

In the chaosing sounds we face ourselves confronted with hordes of opponents. Source: PC Games Whether you get an object with the appropriate engravings, the coincidence decides. So you have to wait for a while to be able to use the preferred game style.

Or the drop-luck of other players is taking advantage of, because most items can be purchased and sell in the auction house of the game. However, since the gameplay of Lost Ark was pretty well designed, it is not that bad if you have to play a bit more until you get the best-in-slot items.

The pretty unpretentious gameplay loop

If the required materials are collected, we can enhance our equipment at an NPC in each larger city. Source: Smilegate Furthermore, the own equipment must also be improved, which gives access to more PVE content. These are currently subdivided into three different "animals". With each animal you get a set of equipment, which then needs to be upgraded to at least plus 15 to unlock the next higher animal. The materials required for this are made of chaosing tones and guards Raids.

In the former we have to defeat numerous hordes on monsters, and off and on even a boss. The Guardian Raids, however, send us in true monster-hunter-manner on their own card, where we must then defeat a monster within 20 minutes. Both activities can either be completed alone or in a group of up to four players.

Unfortunately, neither the chaosing tones nor the guard RAIDs are really demanding and can be completed quite easily with several players.

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