How to get a fantasy fantasy token in Lost Ark

In Lost ARK, you can get The island of Phantomoving as part of a random fall from the boss of the island Fantomoving, Adrin. The boss has three phases in which you must pass in which they disappear, and then appear again in the form of a tornado, applying a lot of damage. Every time Tornado appears, make sure that you interact with him in order to instantly transfer to the next place Adrin for the next phase.


where to get a token of the islands of phantoming

The token can only be obtained on the island of Fantomoving, which is located north-east of Puniki and west of the reassum of the Hypnos to the sea.

Since this is an adventure island, it is only available at a certain time and in certain dates indicated on the Adventure Island Schedule Compass Rin . To find out when you can complete the island of adventure, you can view the alarm settings and draw a mouse pointer to the island of the phantoming in the opening menu of the island of adventure.

It is also important to note that the token falls randomly after the victory over Adrin, which means that it is not guaranteed. You may have to return and defeat the boss several times before it appears in your inventory.

To learn more about Lost Ark, check out the section What is Guardian Shards and how to get them in Lost Ark? In professional game guides.


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