Lost Ark: Level 50 tips - awaken

As soon as you have reached in Lost Ark Level 50, there are a variety of new game content that can explore - so many that newcomers quickly lose the overview. Here we introduce you to the most important features, such as the equipping of awakening capabilities, gravur mechanics, Abyss dungeons or guide quests.

Table of contents

  1. 4-release the awakening capability
    1. 1.1The first awakening skill
    2. 1.2The second awakening skill
  2. 2Gravures on accessories and capabilities
  3. 3 loops of skills
  4. 4 playing of abyss (Abyss)
  5. Games of the Guide (Guide) Quests

unlocking the awakening ability

After you have already met the "Tripod" system with its mighty bonuses for your skills for your non-awakening capabilities, the next step follows: the awakening skills . LOST ARK: You can pull one of your awakening skills on the skill slot (V key) to the left of the ActionBar (here: Bardin) Source: Amazon Games

The first awakening skill

Awakening skills * (English awakening skills) are two more "ultimate" skills. For the * first awakening skill you must first play the main story quest to Vern (city). Here Beatrice tells you that you should visit you in Trixion. As soon as you receive this message, you will open up your notebooks / songs (F2 key). Play the Lied of Trixion and it will tell you exactly where your Beatrice can meet. If you have found her, she will send you to the hook quest. After completing the tasks, Beatrice will give you a normal skill and the first awakening skill. To do this you have to open your mailbox and consume the items contained therein to completely unlock these skills.

The second awakening skill

To unlock the second revival craft , you have to go to Rohendel. For entering the zone, a Gearscore of 380 or higher is needed. You go to the garden of the queen and raises a mysterious letter to start the quest. Thereafter, different quests follow up to the activation: the purple quests, the yellow quests in Facility X-301, some quests on Twilight Island as well as completing the well-played dungeon. In the end, you should be able to talk to Promise Isle with Allegro to get the skill. After talking to Allegro, you will open your mailbox and consumes the items contained therein. You then have access to your second awakening ability.

Notice For any use of an exhilaration capability you need a 'erwachen: ChaosFragment' (in the inventory). These are sold for 250 silver from grocery dealers in the capitals. Lost ARK: For any use of an awake capability, you need a 'awakening: chaos fragment' (in the inventory). These are sold for 250 silver from grocery dealers in the capitals. Source: Amazon Games

Engravings on accessories and skills

LOST ARK: Through suitable engravings on skills and accessories (necklaces, earrings and rings) you can further strengthen Source: Amazon Games Engravings in Lost Ark (Buy Now 19.99 €) are special effects, The on accessories (amulets (necklaces), earrings and rings) and skins (later more) can be found. There are normale engraving and negative engraving. These effects modify certain capabilities or properties of your character, such as: B. the improvement of the back attack damage, the maximum MP or - in the case of negative engravings - the reduction of your attack speed. There are also two unique _ class engraving_ for each class, modifying class-specific skills and properties, and in some cases the way a class plays is drastically altering.

Engravings work according to a point system so that their effects can be activated. In doing so, the type of engraving bonus is accidentally eroded upon receipt for skills and accessories (jewelry), with the latter bringing additional own positive and negative engraving bonuses. Before more enhancing points can be added to capabilities, they must be ground in advance (more later). On rings you can only have an individual engraving. Before you can grind and improve your engravings, you must initially unlock them with the help of engraving instructions . These are available about various activities such as the playing of raids, dungeons, world bosses, events, secret cards, the main skiing series or over the auction house.

Grinding capabilities

LOST ARK: Skills have three random engraving effects - two positive and a negative effect Source: Amazon Games The grinding of skilled stones in Lost Ark goes hand in hand with the above engraving effects . Skills are a special kind of equipment that can be worn by players to supplement their weapons and armor - similar to accessories (amulets (necklaces), earrings and rings). Skin stones offer boni for the vitality of a character as well as engraving bonus effects. They are equipped on the capability slot and only one can be worn at the same time. Skills have the potential to deliver the largest amount of dots for engraving effects and they are the key to their activation to the highest levels.

You will receive your first 5 capabilities during the guide quest "The Way To Grinding", which serves as a tutorial for the functioning of skill stones (from Character Level 50). Thereafter, your skills will get through the Pletter of Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids. Note that skill stones initially initially useless, raw stones are initially unusable. To use it, you must previously be subjected to a specific process called loops . LOST ARK: The grinding of skills goes hand in hand with the engraving effects Source: Amazon Games When loop , the capability stone is processed to activate its engraving effects. These are, as already mentioned, positive or negative effects that affect the player's statistics and 3 levels - the higher the level, the more the effect. The engravings that each capability stone are randomly generated for each stone.

When grinding capabilities, the players determine the grad of the effect (engraving points) _ from engravings in their character statistics. The goal is to strengthen the effect of positive abilities and reduce the influence of negative, d. H. To get as many gravure points for those engravings that provide improvements, and as few degrees as possible for engravings with a negative impact. Grinding capabilities are performed exclusively by one of the many _aptic stone grinder NPCS in the cities. These are marked on the map using a stone bottle card symbol.

_ Capability stones can also be traded or bought in the auction house_, but only vor to grinding. As soon as they were sanded, they are equipped, but no longer tradable. So you have to decide before, if you want to keep the stone or swap. Note that "unpolished" capability stones indicate the corresponding engraving effects in the inventory, but not their values. Instead, they show the highest and lowest possible results for each of the engravings.

Playing Abyss (Abyss)

LOST ARK: ABUYS (ABYSS) DEFENONS are among the most challenging gaming and are only in the group Schaffar Source: Amazon Games ABUNG-Dungeons (ABYSS Dungeons) in Lost Ark are cooperative PVE content of the final. There, your high -ual items will receive legendary engraving instructions, cards, gold or craft materials.

Abyss dungeons will be available after completing the "She's waits, he goes" quest from the Blue World Quest series in the northern Verner area. The minimum requirement for playing abyss dungeons is usually character level 50, each dungeon additionally having an ITemlevel request. Acrysting dungeons have attribution restrictions - therefore checks the cost restrictions for every dungeon before they start. _Jeder character can play every abyss dungeon three times a week. The weekly reset is done on Wednesdays at 10:00 UP UTC (12:00 CET).

Lost Ark - Unlock Awakening Skills Fast - All Classes Awakening Skills + Best Class Skills Guide! The abyss dungeons must be completed with the specified number of players; es geht nicht solo. Es gibt andere Spielinhalte für das Solospiel, wie die Chaos-Dungeons, die es den Spielern ermöglichen, alleine zu spielen. Abgrund-Dungeons können über den Gruppenfinder oder an den angegebenen Orten in Städten betreten werden.

Abgrund-Dungeons bieten neue Bosse mit neuen Mechaniken, die die Spieler erlernen müssen, um sie zu besiegen. Bei einigen Bossmechaniken müssen die Spieler zusammenarbeiten, um sie zu überwinden. Andernfalls kann sich der Bosskampf verlängern oder sogar einen Gruppen-Wipe verursachen.

Spielen der Ratgeber (Guide)-Quests

Ratgeber- bzw. Guide-Quests in Lost Ark werden normalerweise durch das Abschließen von Hauptquests erhalten und führen den Spieler in neue Mechaniken des Spiels ein. Manchmal sind diese Mechaniken gesperrt, bis ihr die entsprechende Guide-Quest erhaltet, um sie freizuschalten.

It is important to complete all side quests to get to know all the content that Lost Ark has to offer. _Net game functions are crucial for the conclusion of the game, such as sailing, which is unlocked via a Guide Quest. Other features such as dungeons and raids are challenges that provide very valuable rewards and will help you increase your object levels - they are not obligatory for the completion of the game. In the above-linked video, Amazon Games Community Broadcast Manager 'Cyfy' will bring you again through all Level 50 tips listed here, such as the equipping of awakening skills, gravur mechanics, as well as the advantages of the degree of world quests, playing abyss raids and more. -- (Source). To home page to the gallery


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