All new jeweler's recipes in Final Fantasy XIV PATCH 6.1
With the release of updating 6.1 in Final Fantasy XIV, the jewelers will have more work than ever. In addition to dazzling jewelry and baubles, they also support a new housing boom. Let's look at the workshop and see what they are doing there.
6.1 crafting recipes
- Highland Stone Chimney
- Titanium nugget x2
- Granite x3.
- Cutton stone x3
- Mortar X2.
- Crystal wind x6
- Crystal fire x5
- Stone Wall Highland
- Mofrit X15 ingot
- Granite x25
- Mortar X15
- Crystal wind x6
- Crystal fire x5
- Highland fence
- Mofrit X15 ingot
- Marble x25
- Granite x15
- Crystal wind x6
* Crystal fire x5
- Highland Highland
- Sawana X10 seedlings
- Zeta growth formula X10
- Granite X20
- Mortar X15
- Crystal wind x6
- Crystal fire x5
- Milperess Round
- High Mofrit X2 ingot
- Eykon X2 Iron
- Platinum ingot x3
- Luminous fiber x3
- Martial ship Demimatia III X5
- Wind cluster x3
- Fire cluster x2
- Enthusiastic Susano
- Palladium X3
- X2 chromite ingot
- Rodonit X2.
- Vessel blade
- Demicrystall X5
- Crystal wind x7
- Fire crystal x7
- Susano enthusiastic ephemerides
- Palladium X3
- X2 chromite ingot
- Rodonit X2.
- Vessel blade
- Demicrystall X5
- Crystal wind x7
- Fire crystal x7
- Enthusiastic Rapier Susano
- Palladium ingot x4
- Chromite ingot
- Rodonit X2.
- Vessel blade
- Demicrystall X5
- Crystal wind x7
- Fire crystal x7
- amaultinian interior wall
- Granite x8.
- Annifet grinder x5
- Onyx X5.
- Mortar x4.
- Crystal wind x8
- Fire crystal x8
- amaultage floor
- Granite x8.
- Onyx X4.
- Annifet grinder x4
- Mortar x4.
- Crystal wind x8
- Fire crystal x8
* indoor marble fountain
* Deep-water marble
* Marble X7
* Annifet grinder x5
* Ambrosive water x4
* Crystal wind x32
* Crystal fire x32
* Countertop with a swing door
* Multiple sawn timber x6
* Granite x8.
* Chloroslantic grinding stone x2
* Crystal wind x32
* Crystal fire x32
* Alpine Bath Open Sky
* Chondriton ingot
* Granite X10
* Annifet grinder x5
* Ambrosive water x5
* Crystal wind x32
* Crystal fire x32
* Bridge covered with ivy
* Deep-water marble
* Granite x12
* X4 island sapling
* Cappa x4 growth formula
* Crystal wind x32
* Crystal fire x32
* Игла заключенного договора
* Eblan Danbrit X3
* Brib Rhodium x3
* Whole lumber
* Immutable X2 solution
* Ether sand endwood
* Wind cluster x3
* Fire cluster x3
* Eblan Danburit
* Сырой эбланский данбурит x4
* Неизменяемое решение
* Lunar Essential Sand
* Wind cluster x3
* Fire cluster x3
patch 6.1 crafting recipes
- Alchemik
- Gunsmith
- Kuznets.
- A carpenter
- Culinary
- Kozhevnik
- Wuver
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