In the Korean version of the MMORPG LOST ARK, a summer update is installed

In the Korean version of the MMORPG LOST ARK, a content update was installed, which added to the game the new class of the Creator archetype-Aeromancer. This class is well suited for those who prefer fast fighters with solid damage in the area. As a weapon, an aeromancer uses an umbrella with which he controls the weather and elements of wind, water, light and lightning.

In addition, a new combat pass of Arcpass: Dark Priest for characters who have reached level 50 was added to the game.

And until September 28, players can take part in the Maharaki festival, which will be held in the Paradise of Maharaki, the best resort of Akrasassi. Various tasks with valuable awards will be available to you if they are completed.


You can get information about all new content on the game website.


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